Budgie Diseases

Although we work hard to keep our birds healthy there are a number of budgie diseases and budgie sicknesses that can attack your feathered friends. The first thing I have to say is this: If you suspect your budgie is sick or suffering from disease, consult your vet immediately! Use the information given on this webpage and other online sites as a guide only; it’s not worth risking your pet’s health.

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Budgie Illness

Budgie Tumor:  Unfortunately tumors are very common amongst Budgies, and because birds have a very rapid metabolism, they tend to grow very fast as well. It is believed that Budgies are so prone to tumors because of years of careless breeding, but this has not really been confirmed for certain.

When a budgie is suffering from an external tumor they are most commonly found around the wing joints, and also around the rump and vent area. Common Budgie tumors are kidney tumors, fatty tumors, adrenal tumors, ovarian and testicular tumors, and many other types.

Polyoma virus: More commonly known as “Budgerigar fledgling disease” and is generally considered more fatal to chicks as opposed to mature budgies. There is a vaccine to prevent the avian polyma virus, but it can be costly.

It is a fairly nasty disease which causes the vital organs to fail, meaning the bird will eventually die from dehydration.

Psittacosis: Also known as “Parrot Fever” can be carried by budgies. It is usually transmitted either orally via infected food or water or via the Respiratory system by inhaling infected particles (feather dust, other birds sneezing etc.).

It has a wide list of symptoms depending on your bird’s diet, age, immune system and a whole lot of other varying factors. The symptoms are usually related to the respiratory system and digestive system.

If you suspect your budgie has Psittacosis then it is recommended that you isolate the bird immediately. Consult your vet, clean out cages thoroughly, and keep any feather dust to a minimum. Psittacosis is transferrable to humans so if you find yourself suffering from flu like symptoms after you have had a bird diagnosed with the condition, consult a doctor yourself!

Cnemodocoptes mites: Things like scaly face and scaly feet can cause problems for budgies,  infestation of mites can cause a buildup of scales and cause a number of health problems for budgies. I discuss these in a little more detail on the budgie foot problems page.

The best way to look after your budgies health is to keep an eye on them, take note that they are exhibiting healthy budgie signs and have regular vet checkups. Remember that Budgies in the wild will hide their illnesses so they do not become another animal’s lunch, so it can sometimes be hard to detect if your Budgie is feeling unwell.

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